senior summer safety tips
Even though the summer is coming to an end, the Heat Index continues to rise to 100 degrees and beyond. We want to remind you all how important it is to keep our senior citizens safe and cool with these 6 Senior Summer Safety Tips!
Since senior’s bodies are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of heat, it’s important to stay proactive during the hot summer months and take steps to avoid dehydration, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and fainting/dizzy spells.

1. Stay Hydrated

“Elderly individuals have a harder time knowing when they are dehydrated,” says Dr. Ronan Factora, geriatrician at the Cleveland Clinic. As a result, they are more prone to heat stroke.” 8 glasses of water a day is the recommendation, but this is especially important for people over 65. Caffeine and alcohol can cause dehydration, so it’s important to drink these beverages in moderation. Be sure to replenish replace water that’s lost when spending more time outside or exercise. Sport drinks, flavored waters, and caffeine-free teas are some ways to stay hydrated without losing flavor.
Wear Loose fitting clothes

2.Wear loose-fitting and light-colored clothes

Wearing loose-fitting clothing made from fabrics like cotton or linen are perfect for warm weather, these fabrics have an open weave that allows air to circulate freely. Linen also absorbs sweat and dries quickly. Light-colored clothing retract light and heat, absorbing less heat they will give you a pleasant relief from the summer heat. You can keep your head and face cool and out of the sun by wearing sunglasses and sunhat or ball cap.


wear sunscreen

3. Wear Sunscreen

Some prescription medications, especially ones taken by seniors, can cause sun sensitivity. To prevent a sunburn it’s important to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least 20 SPF.


stay out of the sun

4. Stay Out of the Sun

On days when the temperature is 90 degrees or higher, it is a good idea to plan activities that need to be outdoors to the early morning or evening hours after sunset. When it is absolutely necessary to go out during the hottest time of the day, stay in the shade as much as possible.


find an air-conditioned place

5. Find an Air-Conditioned Place

Sometimes seniors need to get out of the house, so look for activities that can be done in air-conditioned spaces. Libraries, shopping malls, or senior centers are great places to find activities in the AC.


know when to cool down

6. Know When To Cool Down

Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are serious health problems, so when you begin to feel overheated know how to cool down. Taking a room temperature shower can quickly cool down your bod. Using cool, wet washcloths on the neck, wrist, or armpits is another way to keep cool. Keeping a portable or paper fan in your car or bag can also be helpful when you need a little breeze.

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